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Accounting Software Education Centre

Private Tailored Training on your premises / office. We teach exactly what you ask for pass training offer their facilities to its clients so that they can run tailored training courses for their staff.

Benefits of Tailored Training on your premises / office:

Training that you can specify to suit your needs :
You can choose specific areas of our course outlines that you are interested in, and include additional topics -

  • pass training will handle all the administration for your course ;
  • a range of packages can be taught during a single training session ;
  • private use of our dedicated training facilities ;
  • consultancy to help with any specific company problems ;
  • all delegates receive their own Comprehensive Course training ;
  • prices for a Private One Day Tailored Course on accounting Software:

    Qualifications that are recognised by international universities, professional bodies, employers and government ministries around the world.

    A complete range of awards covering all the key functions of business, from English/Chinese , IT and Accounting through to Secretarial and Management.

A high level of service that includes fast certificate turnaround, swift Centre approval and constant contact with our staff and managers.

Companies and training centres a flexible approach to doing business. We aim to address and cater to the differing needs that all organisations and their staff have.

Our training education courses also include namely the Professional Bridging Examinations, the Accounting Technician Examinations, the Book-keeping & Accounts Examination and the Computerised Accounts Examination as follows:

The "Professional Bridging Examinations" is specially developed for HKAAT graduates, offering them a direct alternate route to meet the HKSA Qualification Programme (QP) admission requirements.

The Hong Kong Accounting Technician Examinations" for 'HKAT' accreditation ; and"Book-keeping and Accounts" and "Computerised Accounts" Examinations for 'Certified Accounts Clerk' accreditation and LCCI and Pitman's Computerized Accounts Examination in Hong Kong



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